Ebb n Flow

Aquí hay una oportunidad de oro para reconectarse con la naturaleza. Esta encantadora cabaña renovada está orientada hacia la Reserva Natural de Rye, que ha sido designada como Lugar de Interés Científico Especial. Esta gran área de tierra junto al mar, tiene guijarros, marismas, dunas de arena, ríos, fosas de grava, ciénagas de pastoreo y muchas plantas y animales inusuales. A esta área la cruzan muchos caminos y cinco refugios de aves. Este atento si puede escuchar el canto del ruiseñor al final de la primavera, que está en su viaje de regreso desde Sur África después del invierno.

You may spot a brown hare by Camber Castle which was built by Henry VIII. Cycle down to Rye Harbour which runs along the River Rother and visit Martello Tower 28 that was built to protect against possible Napoleonic invasion. Rye itself is a vibrant market town with cobbled streets and many art galleries and tea shops. If you are seeking golden sand, head towards Camber and in the other direction is Hastings which has the largest beach launched fishing fleet in Europe. There is parking for 1 car on site, with additional parking outside the owner',s house. Beach 400 yards. Shop 1 mile, pub and restaurant 1.5 miles.

Exit M25 at J5 &, take A21 toward Hastings. Go over the traffic lights at Flimwell, through Hurst Green &, at Johns Cross roundabout take 1st exit continuing on A21. Take B2089 on your left, for Broad Oak &, Rye. Continue on the B2089 to Rye. At the broad Oak cross roads go straight over to Rye. As you enter Rye bear right at next junction after Rye station into Wish St. Continue to roundabout &, go straight over on A259 towards Winchelsea &, Hastings on Winchelsea Rd. Opposite a garage turn left to Winchelsea Beach joining Sea Rd . Follow road until Co-op , turn left into Dogs Hill Rd. Keep to the right hand track, at the end of the green turn left &, follow the unmade road into The Ridge, about half way down and Ebb- N -Flow will be on your left hand side. Park in the layby opposite.